Curating Content with Pages

Canvas pages can be used as flexible containers to organize the learning resources within a module

While modules are useful for grouping course content at a high level, they aren’t as good at providing context or details. A page gives more options for organizing course content such as files or other links with space to provide detailed information and important context.

The following are examples of individual class session pages that contain all the learning resources for a class meeting.  

Page Example 1

Because this course has a number of assignments each week, the instructor chose to group everything together on a page rather than creating a long list of individual assignments in the module. 

By organizing the page using clear headings indicating timeframe for activities, it help students see the relationships among pre-class, in-class, and post-class activities and readings.

 A page with the headings Before Class, In Class, and After Class

Page Example 2

In this example, the instructor includes all the resources for a class, including what needs to be done before class, framed by guiding questions, as well as content from the session itself, such as lecture slides and recordings. 

A page with the headings Readings, Pre-Class Activities, Questions to Consider, Lecture Slides, Class Recording

How you format your pages (or any other Canvas content) can have a significant affect on readability. See Formatting for Clarity and Accessibility for some practical tips.

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