How does AI affect you as a BC Student?
Help shape the conversation about AI at Boston College by becoming a
Student AI Advisor
As a Student AI Advisor, you will meet periodically throughout the year with a small group of undergraduate peers to discuss your experiences with AI, explore new learning opportunities (including the chance to build your own custom chatbots), and give helpful feedback to faculty who are exploring new uses for AI in learning.
In exchange for your participation, you’ll get free lunches, a chance to try AI tools (we’ll pay for them), and valuable experiences that you can put on your resume:
- You’ll build an informed personal perspective on AI to share with peers, professors, or future employers
- You’ll practice hands-on design research and innovation methods
- You’ll collaborate with faculty outside of the classroom and advocate for student needs
No prior experience with AI is needed, and it’s ok if you have hesitations or concerns about the ethics or implications of AI. We’re looking for students who are curious and who are willing to try things and engage in meaningful reflection about their learning. We want students from all backgrounds with varying experiences and levels of comfort with technology to apply.
The Student AI Advisory group will be led by the Center for Digital Innovation in Learning (CDIL). CDIL helps to design, develop, and support digital learning experiences at Boston College. You’ll also have an opportunity to interact with faculty members who are participating in CDIL’s faculty AI working group building custom chatbots for their courses and exploring constructive uses for AI in the classroom.
Students and professors have a lot to learn from each other when it comes to AI. We hope you’ll help us chart a path forward with AI that reflects all that the BC community has to offer.
Who Are We Looking For?
- The Student AI Advisory group is open to applications from all undergraduates at BC.
- No experience with AI is required. We’d like to have a range of participants.
- We welcome those who are AI enthusiasts, AI skeptics, and everything in between
Goals of the AI Advisor Group
The working group has three main goals:
- Cultivating Conversation: Share your perspectives about AI with professors and with other students
- Experimenting with AI: Try something with AI related to education and share what you learn
- Gathering Insights: Help gather information about how students are using AI and how it impacts learning.
What You’ll Get From the Experience
- A voice in shaping AI at BC and the way it affects your learning
- A chance to build custom chatbots or try another AI learning platform that interests you
- Experience listening to people’s experiences of AI and gaining insights that will inform future decisions
- Free lunch!
- Something to put on your resume!
Expectations for Participants
This group is meant to be flexible to
- Attend at least 5 sessions during the year. We’ll meet on Wednesday in person over lunch between 12:00-1:30. There will be options to choose from student-only sessions and optionally participating in the faculty working group.
- Participate in one-on-one interviews with CDIL staff to discuss your relationship with AI
- Provide feedback on at least one faculty AI project
- Interview other students about their attitudes and practices about AI
Meeting Schedule
The student-only meetings will be:
- Session 1: Oct. 2 | Wed, 12:00 – 1:30 pm | Stokes N203
- Session 2: Nov 6, | Wed, 12:00 – 1:30 pm | McGuinn 521
- Session 3: Dec 4 | Wed., 12:00 – 1:30 pm | McElroy 237
- Session 4: Jan. 29 | Wed 12 – 1:30 pm | Stokes N203
- Session 5: February | Time and Location TBA
- Session 6: March | Time and Location TBA
- Session 7: April | Time and Location TBA
How to Apply
We’ll be accepting applications until the end of the dayThursday, Sept. 27, 2024 (deadline extended!).