Creating a Bubble Sheet Assignment in Gradescope

You can use Gradescope to create bubble sheet assignments and grade bubble sheets online. You must use the official Gradescope bubble sheet in order to grade in Gradescope.

Video Walkthrough

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Open the Canvas site in which you’d like to create a Gradescope assignment

2. Click “Assignments” on the course navigation menu

3. Click “+Assignment”

4. Name the assignment

5. Open the submission type dropdown menu

6. Select “External Tool”

7. Click “Find”

8. Select “Gradescope”

9. Select “A new Gradescope assignment”

11. Select “Bubble Sheet” as the assignment type

12. Click “Next”

13. Name the Gradescope assignment

The name you added to Canvas will override the name you add to Gradescope.

14. Click “Create Assignment”

15. Click “Select”

16. Click “Save”

17. Enter the point value of each question

18. Set the answer key by selecting the correct answer for each question

19. Click “Save Answer Key”

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